
Category: Survival

Book Review – Ultimate Guide to Wilderness Living by John & Geri McPherson

Book Review – Ultimate Guide to Wilderness Living by John & Geri McPherson

As I am always looking to expand my knowledge, I was looking for a book specifically on primitive skills. While I have found several, the updated copy of “Ultimate Guide to Wilderness Living” by John and Geri McPherson, was the one I landed on. Although this book was written in 2008, it incorporates some of John’s…

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Book Review – Urban & Wilderness Emergency Preparedness by James Hart

Book Review – Urban & Wilderness Emergency Preparedness by James Hart

I have read a lot of books in my day but I cannot remember the last one that was as detailed as “Urban & Wildlife Emergency Preparedness” by James Hart. At just under 560 pages (listed as 510pp on the website), this book provides great detail on several subjects. After the passionate information found in the authors note,…

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Gear Review – SM18 by Manu Toigo

Gear Review – SM18 by Manu Toigo

This review is a little different than my previous ones because I did not actually have the tool to review. However, I have held and seen the Survival Machete 18″ (SM18) promoted by “Survival Queen” Manu Toigo and I have to say, I was very impressed. Manu is a classy lady from Australia and for those…

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Book Review – Food Storage for Self-Sufficiency and Survival by Angela Paskett

Book Review – Food Storage for Self-Sufficiency and Survival by Angela Paskett

Being a prepper/survivalist, someone that is prepared for things to come, I am always looking for more information to help me accomplish the daily tasks that I set before myself. Food Storage is one of the main tasks that I strive for and am constantly trying to improve on any of my methods. Recently, I…

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Gear Review – Survival Slingshot

Gear Review – Survival Slingshot

As a child I was handed a slingshot and was told to “have fun”. I did not know the fun would end at the killing of my first bird with this new weapon. My grandfather stood beside me as we discussed the death of the animal and how sometimes it is beneficial while others are what some…

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Dual Survival – Who is Matt Graham?

Dual Survival – Who is Matt Graham?

Recently there has been an influx of questions regarding Matt Graham. This is not unreasonable since he was named the new co-host of Discovery’s “Dual Survival”. For those that did not know, Cody Lundin is no longer on the show. I will not get into the details over Cody leaving but let us just say,…

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Gear Review – Aurora 2SA Fire Starter

Gear Review – Aurora 2SA Fire Starter

Recently, I have been in communication with the folks at Solo Scientific in regards to their fire starters. While I met Andy Putrello at a local “Preppers Expo” and bought two items from him, I was hesitant at purchasing another fire starter for my gear. I was wrong and should have added this to my…

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Gear Review – I.C.E. Stove

Gear Review – I.C.E. Stove

There are a few things that I look at as gadgets. Some are trinkets or “nice to have,” while others play an important role in my need for survival gear. The I.C.E. (In Case of Emergency) Stove from lockedandstocked.com is one of those that play an important role. I approached lockedandstocked.com about doing a gear…

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Gear Review – Survival Key

Gear Review – Survival Key

For a while now, I have been gathering free kindle books and scouring the internet for articles in regards to preparedness and survival. This daily search would take me around an hour out of various times during my day. That’s not a bad thing; it is just what it is. There have also been some…

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Book Review – MAGS: The People Part of Prepping

Book Review – MAGS: The People Part of Prepping

Until recently, Charley Hogwood had been sending me articles on Mutual Assistance Groups (MAGS). Since this was something I was unfamiliar with, I took note and deeply pondered the information within the articles. In the last communication regarding MAGS, I was informed that Charley was actually finishing up a book on the subject. I was…

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Book Review – The Prepper’s Survival Guide: An Introduction to Prepping and Guide to FIRE

Book Review – The Prepper’s Survival Guide: An Introduction to Prepping and Guide to FIRE

There are few books that provide the detail I look for regarding prepping and survival. Bryan Foster, aka Zion Prepper, has provided that detail with his latest book, The Prepper’s Survival Guide: An Introduction to Prepping and a Guide to FIRE. This book is definitely worth the purchase. Why? You may ask. For starters, the…

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Book Review – A Guide to Sheltering-in-Place by Zion Prepper

Book Review – A Guide to Sheltering-in-Place by Zion Prepper

I was very happy to receive Bryan Foster’s latest book, A Guide to Sheltering-in-Place: Don’t be scared, Don’t panic, Shelter-in-Place (SIP). To start with the latest in the Prepper’s Survival Guide Series is very informative and breaks everything down into easy to understand terms and meanings. At only 78 pages, the book gets straight to…

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Knife Review: CRKT Free Range

Knife Review: CRKT Free Range

I know I discussed doing a review on the Mora knife that I own but I picked up a CRKT (Columbia River Knife & Tool) Free Range Hunter Clip Point Lockback Folder recently that I am really pleased with.  That is a mouthful so we will stick with CRKT Free Range. As before, I will…

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