Is your day anything like mine?

Recently I’ve been asked a LOT about my daily routine. I don’t think it’s anything special and it will be changing for relevance. However, it’s apparently got some people thinking and rethinking how they go about their day.
I will state this is a Weekday example. Weekends are geared for filming, teaching or spending time in the woods or with family and sometimes that is all in the same weekend.
0600 – Alarm goes off – depending on what my first scheduled appointment is, this may be earlier.
0605 – Dressed and out the door for a morning walk – when I get back, I brush my teeth and shower – but gotta start moving.
0645 – Grab a cup of coffee and write. I review and respond any comments on YT videos or FB Page posts. And write. It may not be a lot. Whether a post here, journal entry, or post somewhere else, I write.
0730 – Read/Learn – Depending on the week, I may be reading a book or taking an online course. Regardless, this is usually something new or I need to dive into deeper. Maybe even research for an article I’m writing.
0830 – Another cup of coffee and tend to the animals. Feed and water the dogs and let them play outside. I sip my coffee while embracing the new day.
0900 – Work – for now, this is for my corporate job but will be modified soon
1130 – lunch – I catch up on short videos, personal emails, or just eat and look outside. Possibly even look at Facebook or Instagram.
1200 – Work – see above
1700 – Review my work day and see if there is anything else that needs to be done before I quit until tomorrow (some appointments go until 1800 so this may move things a bit)
1800 – Build MY Business – this is posting a new article or YT video to social media or some other means of getting the brand out. Additionally, it is doing the hard stuff that NEEDS to be done.
1830 – Dinner – This varies on the day because I may be running errands or being taxi for one of the kids or still working on the hard stuff from above.
1900 – Review – Button up any remaining things for the day and ensuring all tasks are done. If not, this is the time.
2000 – Family Time – I sit down and watch TV with the wife, pet the kids, kiss the dogs… you get the picture.
2200 – Shutting it down for bed – literally shutting down the house, lights, locking doors, taking dogs out one last time…
2230 – To bed – if not sooner. Some of the days vary depending on workload. I review the overall day, personal tasks, work tasks (again) and see if I have earned the right to go to bed.
If so…off to dreamland
0600 – Well, you know.
While things vary based on my corporate job, the complexity of some tasks, things that have to be done for the day, extra errands that may have to be done, etc, the time becomes a little less rigid. I have to do this otherwise my OCD will keep my mind in a whirlwind.
Maybe I’ll do another post on what a typical fun weekend looks like and possibly, what it looks like when I do a weekend outing. But that’s for another day.
Until then,
Use your instincts to survive